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The scientific study of Bacchanalian endeavours, and that means drinking.

The term Bacchanology is derived from the name of the Greek god of Drinking, Bacchus.

Cups and their customs, By Henry Porter, George Edwin Roberts, 1863

"As, in this age of progress, most things are raised to the position of a science, we see no reason why Bacchanology (if the term please our readers) should not hold a respectable place, and be entitled to its due mead of praise..."

The New York Times, August 25, 1991

"IF YOU THINK IT'S tough to get a decent dry martini, try tracking down the origin of the word. Or for that matter, getting the real story behind any cocktail -- not only long-forgotten rip-snorters like the fog-cutter, the snap-neck and the leg tangle but also bona fide classics. At every turn, the student of bacchanology faces the bewildering blend of misinformation, lore and legend that constitutes barroom etymology..."

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