Tricks of the trade

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There are many ways to fool the customer...

Note - the following methods are listed primarily to deal with those customers who insist you "Make it a strong one". They can also be used to (appear to) give extra service to someone, or in fact cheat. Use with intelligence...

Some methods improve the visual appearance (looks like more in the glass) while others improve the taste strength. List collated [in a Webtender thread]

The long pour

I interpret this as 'high pour'. Pouring with a longer stream looks like more is happening. Chasing the bottle down to cut at the end looks like you are throwing even more in, but you are just following gravity. Flair variation is "the Pump" where this action is repeated, but despite appearances, less liquid is actually poured than the motion and duration would suggest.

The ice mountain

Pack the glass with ice, even above the rim. Sprits melt it fast. Volume in the glass looks good both due to ice displacement and dilution. An extension for this (useful for LIITs) is to repack with even more ice once the spirits are added and the ice settles.

The spring thaw

Wet ice. Slushy ice. Small cubes. Much greater displacement due to better packing of ice volume in the glass. Additional dilution from surface water. 'Spirit' volume looks bigger.

The speed rack shuffle

In an establishment where multiple speed racks (or rails) are available for use, the bartender simply makes an excuse to utilize the speed rack out of line-of-sight of the customer.

The hot shot

Pouring mixer (shooting from the gun) before the spirit is finished. Customer never eyeballs the actual spirit level put in the glass.

The gravity wave

Agitating (like waving the flag) the bottle while pouring to slow and disrupt the flow. Looks like you are attempting to shake more out of the pourer for them, however centrifugal force can completely stop it indefinately. Very impressive when used into a shaker tin where they don't see the flow!

The loaded straw

Pour the drink as usual, with straw, and add a dash of spirit right into the straw itself. First sip will be much stronger!

The fake double

Pour short, pause, (wink) then complete the measure. End up serving the same volume, but it gives the impression of pouring 2 shots, or at least a dose more than you should have.Melonman

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