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Revision as of 23:52, 22 March 2006 by PalLoberg (Talk | contribs)
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Choosing a License

For a Wiki to work the content must have a license that allow other people to edit, alter or delete it. However, various licenses give other people different abilities to use the content outside the Wiki.

Note, I'm not a license expert so the text below could contain errors.

Some possible licenses are:

Public domain

Anyone can use the content, copy, edit and republish it as they like. No attribution is required

GNU Free Documentation License

Allows anyone to make copies of or edit the content, but the copy or edited copy must also be released under this license. Copies can be sold, but if they are sold must be made available in a format that make it possible to continue editing the text. The original author(s) must be acknowledged.

Creative Commons

Many CC licenses exist, but the Attribution-ShareAlike is probably the best for Wikis.

This say that the content may be copied, edited and included in commercial work as long as proper attribution is included and any derived work is made availble under the same terms.

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