75 Cocktail

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The 75 cocktail is the recipe that might be the original French 75.

Coctails and how to mix them, by Robert Vermiere, 1922

Lists a '75 Cocktail but no French '75

'75 Cocktail

  • 2 dashes grenadine
  • 1 teaspoonful lemon juice
  • 1/6 gill Calvados
  • 2/6 gill Dry Gin

Shake well and strain into a Cocktail glass.

"This Cocktail was very well appreciated in Paris during the war. It has been called after the famous light French field gun, and was introduced by Henry of Henry's bar fame in Paris."

Note: This story about the '75 Cocktail is exactly the same as that which is often repeated about the French '75.

The Artistry of Mixing Drinks, by Frank Meier, 1933

Seventy Five ("75")

In shaker: a teaspoon of Anis "Pernod fils", the juice of one-quarter lemon, one-half glass of Gin; shake well, strain into small wineglass, fill with Champagne and serve.

Harry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails, by Harry MacElhone (& Sons), 1986

'75 Cocktail

  • 1 teaspoonful of Absinthe
  • 2/3 Calvados
  • 1/3 Gin
  • Shake and Strain

(This is the original 1915 recipe of the French '75 cocktail)

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